Monday, June 23, 2008

Sometimes I Get so Lonely I Forget What Day it Is

Lars and the Real Girl

We all do things for weird reason. Basically the only reason I check out movies starring the dude from The Notebook is because I have been told by multiple people that I look like the dude from The Notebook (full discloser: I do not think I look like the dude from The Notebook). Ironically one of the few movies of his I have never seen starring the dude from The Notebook is The Notebook.

If there is one thing the dude from The Notebook likes it to take roles that will push him as an actor. And there is really no way to push yourself more as an actor it to have your leading lady be inanimate object like in Lars and the Real Girl. Lars is your typical movie introvert, living in the garage of his family’s home; that is until he orders a living doll “introduces” her to his brother and his wife.

Naturally they are concerned and take him to the local shrink who suggests that they go along with it and he may eventually grow out of the delusion. Of course he may not. And naturally the town folks are a little weary that one of their residents taking Bianca to church and other town functions. This is especially heartbreaking to Lars’ co worker Kelli Garner (Man of the House) who was quite smitten with him despite him running around whenever he sees her.

With that premise, in lesser hands the movie would play like a Saturday Night Live skit that is stuck close to the end of the episode. But every time it seems like the movie is going to detour into the absurd, it comes back to being grounded. And the movie takes a real humorous look at mental illness. Cheers should go to the writer, director, and the dude from The Notebook to be able to pull this off.

Lars and the Real Girl gets a Terror Alert Level: High [ORANGE] on my Terror Alert Scale.

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